UEFA Dream Soccer – Dreamcast

UEFA Dream Soccer - Platform: Dreamcast

Submitted by: Tim Day

Email: timday_uk@yahoo.co.uk

All-Star Teams:
At the Arcade Mode menu, press Start, A, Y, Up, Right,
B, A, Down.

Silicon Dream Teams:
At the Arcade Mode menu, press Y, A, B, B, A, Down, A,
B, B, A, Down, Up.

Small Players:
At the Arcade Mode menu, press Down, Up, Left, Left,
A, Right, Down, Start.

Unlock Stadiums 1, 2, 5, and 11:
At the Arcade Mode menu, press B, Up, Y, Left, A,
Right, Down.

Unlock Stadiums 3, 7, 10, and 15:
At the Arcade Mode menu, press B, A, Left, Left,
Start, B, A, Left, Left, Start.

Unlock Stadiums: 8, 13, and 16:
At the Arcade Mode menu, press B, A, Right, Start, B,
A, Right, Start.

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