True Crime - Streets of LA - Platform: Playstation 2 How to get everything: ---------------------- Submitted by: dev sev first for fighting moves go to the map and press up down up down x. for guns go to map and press right left right left x then you should have 2 desert eagles. last for all driving moves and all impound cars press left right left right x.thats all Change Your Person: ------------------- Submitted by: nick kang While entering your name at the license plate screen, (at the beginning of the game)put in the following and hold L1 and R1 when you enter and confirm the name to look like these people instead of Nick Kang: Look like the chief- B1G1 Look like Rosie- ROSA Look like Rosie in lingerie(Blood Money)- HURT_M3 Look like a cop- FUZZ Look like a police officer- 5WAT Look like a commander- M1K3 Look like a female worker- HARA