Rondo Of Swords – Nintendo DS

Rondo Of Swords - Platform: Nintendo DS

Completion bonus:
Successfully complete the game. You can start a new session with your cleared 
saved game file with your previously earned items and money.

Bonus characters:
Successfully complete the indicated task in the listed stage to unlock the 
corresponding character:

  Aegil: In Stage 17, send Serdic to the door east of the starting point while 
  Marie is alive. 
  Alberich: Save and talk with Yumiluna in Stage 19, and talk with Yumiluna in 
  Route B - Stage 35. Alternately, save and talk with Serdic in Stage 19, and 
  talk with Serdic in Route A - Stage 29. 
  Alhambra: In Stage 10, go close to the big boulder and talk with Serdic. 
  Ansom: In Stage 5, talk with anyone. 
  Arios: In Stage 13, if you have Elmer, talk with Serdic. If you do not have 
  Elmer, talk with Selmer. 
  Arishia: In Route A - Stage 24, have Serdic talk with Margus or Kei, and send 
  them to Kel. City. 
  Cotton: In Stage 8, save all townspeople or successfully complete stage 9. 
  Elmer: In Stage 12, talk with Selmer. 
  Garahad: In Route A or B - Stage 21, talk with Igraine. 
  Izuna: In Stage 18, talk to Yumiluna with Serdic, and have Shino talk with 
  Izuna in Stage 19. 
  Naji: In Route B - Stage 28, bring Aegil, and send her to the open door. 
  Owl: In Stage 7, talk with Marie. 
  Rukia: In Stage 11, talk with Serdic. 
  Shino: In Stage 15, talk with Serdic while Marie is alive. 
  Simon: In Stage 18, have Marie talk with Serdic. Alternately, talk to Yumiluna 
  with Serdic and Simon with Marie. 
  Yumiluna: In Stage 18, talk with Serdic. 

Hidden stages:
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding stage: 

Stage 9  : Do not allow any of the townspeople in Stage 8 to die. 
Stage 18 : Open the prison door, then have Serdic talk to Yumiluna. 

New Game+:
To unlock a new mode, New Game+, beat the game once through and save your game 
after the ending. Use this file to begin New Game+, which is a mode where you 
start the game from the beginning while retaining many of your items, equipment,
money and more.

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