Outlaw Golf 2 – XBox

Outlaw Golf 2 - Platform: XBox

Super bouncing golf balls:
Hold L and press Up(2), A, Up(2), B, Up(2), X during game play.

Unlimited Beating Tokens:
Hold L and press White(2), Black(2), Y during game play in exhibition mode.

Big heads:
While playing a game, hold L and press B, A, B, Y, Back.

Unlock Trixie:
Beat Donna's final event in tour.

Unlock All courses:
Create a player and enter "release all courses" (case sensitive)

Unlock Mistress Suki:
Beat Killer Millers tour.

All clubs:
Create a player and enter "release all clubs" (case sensitive)

Unlock Clem:
Beat Harley's final event in tour.

Unlock Donna:
Beat Summer's final event in tour

Unlock Harvest:
Beat Clem's final event in tour.

Unlock Ice Ridge (new course):
Beat Ice Trey's final event in tour.

Unlock Killer Miller:
Beat Trixie's final event in tour.

Unlock All characters:
Create a player and enter "release all golfers" (case sensitive)

Unlock all characters, clubs, courses, and movies:
To unlock the all the characters, clubs, courses, and movies of Outlaw Golf 2 
create a new game titled, "I Have No Time". (This is a case sensative entry.)

Submitted by: Dave

During game play6 press the following - Hold L then press 
B,Up,Up,B,Y,Up (the women have bigger boobs) 

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