Namco Museum 64 – Nintendo64

Namco Museum 64 - Platform: Nintendo64

Galaga - Disarming Enemies
Just as in the arcade game, the Nintendo 64 version has the 
same cheat. In stage one, allow all enemies to get into 
formation, the bottom left-hand bee is the key to the cheat. 
Kill all of the other enemies except for him. After eliminating 
everyone except for him, place your ship in the bottom right 
hand corner. Allow him to fly around and attempt to bomb you. 
After one pass with him not firing, allow him to pass again and 
if he is still not firing shoot him during this second pass. 
This will take approximately 15 minutes. This will disarm enemies 
for the rest of the game. 

Galaga - Double fighter
Shoot one of the green ships on the top row to turn it blue. 
When one of them dives alone, avoid its shots. Intentionally 
allow your fighter to be captured by its tractor beam. With 
your next ship, wait until the joined ships to dive. Shoot the 
alien while carefully avoiding your captured fighter. You will 
have a double fighter with twice the firepower. 

Pole Position - Starting Tip
Here's a cool tip to start a race. When the race starts, start 
in low gear. Then wait a few seconds until you reach 160k/m or 
so, then press R to change to high gear. You will get a nice 
head start!

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