Lord of the Rings – The Return of the King – XBox

Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King - Platform: XBox

Make a pause in game then HOLD L+R and then enter the 
following code a sound will make you know if it's good

Result                             Code
Invincibility                    - B, X, B, Down. 
Perfect mode                     - X, Up, Y, Down. 
All attack upgrades              - Down, Up, Y, B. 
Full health                      - B, B, X, X. 
Unlimited missile weapons        - B, B, Up, X. 
Always devastating               - Y, Down, Y, Up. 
Target indicator                 - Up, X, Down, B. 
1,000 experience points, Aragorn - Up, B, Y, A. 
1,000 experience points, Frodo   - Up, Y, Up, Down. 
1,000 experience points, Legolas - A, Y, Up, A. 
1,000 experience points, Gandalf - X, Y, Up, Down. 
1,000 experience points, Gimli   - X, X, Y, A. 
1,000 experience points, Sam     - Y, A, Down, A.

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