Fisherman's Challenge - Platform: Playstation 2 Secret Cheat Code: ------------------ Submitted by: Fisherman's Challenge has a single cheat code with multiple applications: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, L1, R1. Enter the code at various places in the game to activate different effects (entering the code a second time at the appropriate point will disable its effects): If you enter Free Fishing mode and enter the code at the "Select Time" prompt, the sun will go down sooner (i.e if you choose a late time in the afternoon like 5:00 PM, the sky will be dark). If you enter the code while trolling (i.e when your angler is standing up but you are still able to move the oaat with the left analog stick), you will see an underwater view of your lure after casting. If you enter the code while your lure is in the water, you'll be able to reel in your l ine by simply holding the right analog stick in any direction (instead of having to rotate it continuously). If you enter the code at the "Home Menu" of any tournament, that tournament will be more difficult to win becaouse your opponents' average total weight and fish count will higher. If you enter the Aquarium option, then press SELECT for the "All View" mode, entering the code in this view willl change some of the rocks in the aquarium into robot parts.