Earthworm Jim 2 – Sega

Earthworm Jim 2 - Platform: Sega

Submitted by: Fawad Malik

Manta shield:
Hold A + B + Up for ten seconds of protection.

Map mode:
Pause game play and press A, C(2), B,
A(2), B, Up. Use the D-pad to move
through the current level. Press A to resume game play
at any point in the level. 

Level select:
Pause game play and press A, B, C, A,
B, A, C, Left.

Bright pause screen:
Pause game play and press A(4), B(4).

Configuration menu:
Pause game play and press A, C(2), A, B, A, B, Left.

Debug mode:
Pause game play and press A, B, C(2), B, A, B(2).

Extra life:
Pause game play and press A, B, C(3), A(2), B.

One time extra life:
Pause game play and press A, B, C(3), A(3).

Energy refill:
Pause game play and press A, B, C, A, B, C, A(2).

One time energy refill:
Pause game play and press A, B, C, A, B, C, A, B.

Ammunition refill:
Pause game play and press C, B(2), A, C, B, A(2).

One time ammunition refill:
Pause game play and press C, B(2), A, C, B(2), A.

Money worm:
Pause game play and press C, A, B, A, B, A, C, A.

One time money worm:
Pause game play and press C, A, C, A, C, A, C, A.

Pause game play and press A(2), C(2), B, A, Left, Right.

One time continue:
Pause game play and press A(2), C(2), B, A, Left(2).

Invulnerability toggle:
Pause game play and press A(4), Left, Right(2), Left. 

Level codes:
Pause game play and enter one of the following controller
actions to jump to the corresponding level.

Level              Code 
Puppies One        Press C(6), A(2).  
Puppies Two        Press Left, Right, B, C(2), Left, Right, A.  
Puppies Three      Press Right(2), A, B, C, Left, Right, A.  
Peter Pan          Press C, B, C, Left, Right, Left, A, B.  
Abduction          Press Down, A, C, Left, Right, Down, A, C.  
Inflated Head      Press B(2), C, A, B, C, Left, Right.  
Sally              Press A, B, C(2), Up, C, Left, Right.  
Soil               Press A(2), C(2), B(2), A(2).  
Meat               Press C(2), Down(2), A, Right(2), Left.  
ISO                Press A, B, C, Right(5).  
Run Jim Run        Press B(2), C, Left(4), Right.  
Unzip              Press C, A, C, A, B, A(2), Up.  

Weapon codes:
Pause game play and enter one of the following controller
actions to obtain the corresponding weapon.

Weapon                 Code  
Plasma Gun             Press C(4), A(3), B.  
3 Shot Gun             Press C(4), A(3), C.  
Homing Gun             Press C(4), A(2), B, A.  
Bubble Gun             Press C(4), A(2), B(2).  
Nuke Gun               Press C(4), A(2), B, C.  
Teleport Mucus Bomb    Press C, A, B, C, A, B, Up, Down 

Submitted by: kumayl hassan

1. GBZW-LAFN Start with no ammo
2. GKZW-LAFN Start with 2000 bullets
3. GPZW-LAFN Start with 3000 bullets
4. GVZW-LAFN Start with 4000 bullets
5. GZZW-LAFN Start with 5000 bullets
6. G3ZW-LAFN Start with 6000 bullets
7. G7ZW-LAFN Start with 7000 bullets
8. HBZW-LAFN Start with 8000 bullets
9. HFZW-LAFN Start with 9000 bullets
10. K7ZW-L8FN Start with mega ammo
11. GBZW-LAH4 Start with 1 life and no continues
12. GFZW-LAH4 Start with 2 lives
13. GVZW-LAH4 Start with 5 lives
14. G7ZW-LAH4 Start with 10 lives
15. KBZW-LAH4 Start with 25 lives
16. MFZW-LAH4 Start with 50 lives
17. RH2W-J6T8 Infinite lives
18. GK1C-LAH6 Start with 200% health
19. GP1C-LAH6 Start with 300% health
20. GV1C-LAH6 Start with 400% health
21. GZ1C-LAH6 Start with 500% health
22. G31C-LAH6 Start with 600% health
23. G71C-LAH6 Start with 700% health
24. HB1C-LAH6 Start with 800% health
25. HF1C-LAH6 Start with 900% health
26. 971C-LAH6 Start with mega health
27. AB1W-LAET Don't flash at all after getting hit
28. A71W-LAET Don't flash as long after getting hit
29. 971W-L8ET Flash longer after getting hit

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