Earthworm Jim 2 – Super Nintendo

Earthworm Jim 2 - Platform: Super Nintendo

Submitted by: andresb-24

Button Codes
Pause the game, then press:

Effec Code

10 Extra Metal Worms A, A, B, A, A, Y, B, Y. 
3-Finger Gun X, X, X, X, A, A, X, Select. 
81 Meal Worms A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B. 
Ammo Refill Select, X, X, X, X, X, X, Select. 
Barn Blaster X, X, X, X, A, B, X, Select. 
Bomb Teleport X, X, X, X, B, B, B, B. 
Bright Pause Screen A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A. 
Bubble Gun X, X, X, X, A, B, A, Select. 
Debug Mode Select, Left, Right, A, X, X, Left, Right. 
Energy Refill X, Select, X, B, X, Select, X, A. 
Energy Refill (One Use) A, B, X, Select, Select, X, B, A. 
Extra Continue A, Select, A, B, X, Y, X, Y. 
Extra Life Left, Select, Right, Select, Left, Select, Right, Select. 
Homing Missiles X, X, X, X, A, A, B, Select. 
Invincibility A, A, X, A, Left, Right, Right, Left. 
Invisible Soil (Only in Soil level) A, A, B, A, A, X, B, Select. 
Map View Mode Select, Select, Select, Select, Select, Select, B. 
Mega Plasma Gun X, X, X, X, A, A, A, Select. 
Skip to End of Game Select, Left, Right, L, R, Left, Right, Select. 
Stage Skip Select, B, X, A, A, X, B, Select. 
Super Cheat Code Select, Left, Right, A, X, X, Left, Right. 

Warp to Levels
Press START, enter the following code:

Effect Password 

Warp to "Inflated Head" Up, Down, X, A, B, Y, Left, Right. 
Warp to "ISO 9000" A, B, X, Left, Left, Right, Left, Right. 
Warp to "Level Ate" X, X, Down, Down, A, Left, Right, Left. 
Warp to "Lorenzen's Soil" A, X, Left, Right, X, Left, Right, Left. 
Warp to "Puppy Love 1" Left, Right, A, B, X, Left, Right, A. 
Warp to "Puppy Love 2" Down, Right, A, B, X, Left, Right, A. 
Warp to "Puppy Love 3" Up, Right, A, B, X, Left, Right, A. 
Warp to "See Jim Run" A, B, X, Left, Left, Left, Left, Right. 
Warp to "The Flyin' King" A, B, x, Left, Right, Left, A, B. 
Warp to "The Villi People" A, B, X, A, B, X, Left, Right. 
Warp to "Udderly Abducted" Up, B, X, Left, Right, Down, A, X. 

Manta Shield
Press Up+X simultaneously and you will use the Manta Shield. You will be 
invincible for a few seconds. This can be used as many times as you want.

Secret Level
About halfway through Level Ate, you will find three sets of forks positioned 
just to the right of a horizonatal piece of bacon. Use the Snott-Chute to float 
between the bacon and the left fork. You will enter a secret level called ''Forked''.

- Game Genie

Infinite Lives

Star With 9000 Ammo

Infinite Energy

Snott shield
Press Up + X during game play. 

Level skip
Pause game play and press Select, B, X, A(2), X, B, Select. 

Pause game play and press A(2), X, A, Left, Right(2), Left. 

Extra life
Pause game play and press [Left, Select, Right, Select] two times. 

Extra life, one shot
Pause game play and press [Select, Left, Select, Right] two times. 
Note: This code may only be used once per game. 

Instant continue
Pause game play and press Y, Select, Y, B, X, B, X, B. 

One continue
Pause game play and press A, Select, A, B, X, Y, X, Y. 

Plasma gun
Pause game play and press X(4), A(3) Select. 

3-shot gun
Pause game play and press X(4), A(2), X, Select. 

Homing gun
Pause game play and press X(4), A(2), B, Select. 

Bubble gun
Pause game play and press X(4), A, B, A, Select. 

Nuke gun
Pause game play and press X(4), A, B, X, Select. 

Maximum ammunition
Pause game play and press Select, X(6), Select. 

Maximum ammunition, one shot
Pause game play and press X(7), Select. 
Note: This code may only be used once per game. 

Pause game play and press X(4), B(4). 

View map
Pause game play and press Select(7), B. 

Pause game play and press X, Select, X, B, X, Select, X, A. 

Extra meal worms
Pause game play and press [A, B], four times for 81 meal worms. 

Invisible soil
Pause game play and press A(2), B, A(2), X, B, Select.

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