Shift 2

Shift 2


Level 1:
1. Walk right to the door.

Level 2:
1. Walk right to the far side of the hole. 
2: Wait until the door is revealed. 
3: Walk through it.

Level 3:
1: Shift. 
2: Jump left over the pit. 
3: Shift. 
4: walk in door.

Level 4: 
1: Get the key. 
2: Climb the stack of doors to jump to the top. 
3: Get the key to the left. 
4: Get the now revealed key. 
5: Walk right to the door.

Level 5:
1: Jump on the other side of the large gap with a platform in the middle. 
2: Go to the far right of the screen. 
3: Shift. 
4: Jump and get the key. 
5: Go right into the small depression. 
6: Shift. 
7: Jump onto the platform in the middle of the gap. 
8: run off of the left side of the platform. 
9: Shift. 
10: Go right until you are on top of the small white box with a key in it. 
11: Shift to get the key. 
12: Shift. 
13: Go left to the bottom. 
14: Shift. 
15: Drop down to the bottom of the pit. 
16: Go to the door.

Level 6:
1: Shift. 
2: Jump over the small gap with spikes at the bottom to your right. 
3: Shift. 
4: Touch the arrow that is pointing left. 
5: Shift. 
6: Jump over the small gap with spikes at the bottom to your right. 
7: Shift. 
8: Go to the door.

Level 7:
1: Stand on top of the black space just past the checkerboard pattern. 
2: Shift. 
3: Move all the way to the right. 
4: Shift. 
5: Jump to get the light bulb. 
6: Shift. 
7: Jump to the middle of the white platform over the spikes. 
8: Shift. 
9: Get the light bulb. 
10: Shift. 
11: Jump to the far left of the screen. 
12: Shift. 
13: Go to the door.

Level 8:
1: Go right until you hit the wall. 
2: Shift. 
3: Go down the pit to the spot right above the light bulb. 
4: Shift. 
5: Go left down the newly opened hole. 
6: Touch the arrow that is pointing to the left, and hold left as soon as you do.
7: Get the light bulb to your left. 
8: Touch the arrow pointing upwards, holding right as soon as you do. 
9: Continue to hold right until you get the light bulb. 
10: Go left to the door.

Level 9:
1: Shift. 
2: Jump up and left. 
3: Shift. 
4: Stand in the right side of the white cross. 
5: Shift. 
6: repeat steps 2-5 until you are no longer in a cross. 
7: Drop to the floor and touch the upwards-facing arrow. 
8: Jump to the far right of the screen until you are standing on the right side 
   of a white cross. 
9: Shift. 
10: Repeat steps 4 and 5. 
11: Repeat steps 2-5 until you are in a white cross with an upwards-facing arrow.
12: Touch the arrow. 
13: Repeat steps 4 and five. 
14: Repeat steps 2-5 until you are in a black cross with an arrow in it. 
15: Touch the arrow. 
16: Repeat steps 2-7. 
17: Shift. 
18: go down to the door.

Level 10:
1: Shift. 
2: Go as far left as possible, jumping when necessary. 
3: Shift. 
4: Jump to the right onto the black box. 
5: Shift. 
6: Touch the arrow that is facing right. 
7: Shift. 
8: Get the key if still necessary. 
9: Move right until you touch the left arrow. 
10: Jump off of the left of the black box to touch the upwards-facing arrow. 
11: Shift. 
12: Move left, making sure to jump over the gap. You should be next to the light bulb. 
13: Move down to the right to get the light bulb. 
14: Jump on the black ledge to the left. 
15: Shift. 
16: Fall down the gap. 
17: Shift. 
18: Move right until you are underneath the up arrow. 
19: Jump to touch the up arrow. 
20: Move right until you touch the right arrow. 
21: Shift. 
22: Carefully move right until you fall. 
23: Shift. 
24: Repeat step 22 to fall to the door.

Level 11:
1: Jump to the far left of the screen. 
2: Jump up and right until you are on top of the light bulb. 
3: Shift. 
4: Shift. 
5: Go down to the left. 
6: Shift. 
7: Go felt until you fall. 
8: Shift. 
9: Move right. 
10: Move left until you get the light bulb. 
11: Move right, jumping when necessary, to get the key. 
12: If necessary, touch the arrow and then the light bulb. 
13: Move right until you touch the up arrow. 
14: Jump up and left, as before. 
15: Shift. 
16: Fall down the gap, getting the light bulb as you fall. 
17: Shift. 
18: Move right off of the door, and immediately hold left when you start to fall. 
19: You will reach the door.

Level 12:
1: Hold right and jump,making sure that you are completely on the ground when you jump.
2: Get the light bulb. 
3: Touch the up arrow. 
4: Shift. 
5: Touch the up arrow. 
6: Move all of the way to the left, until you get the key. 
7: Move right until you are not standing on a door. 
8: Touch the right arrow. 
9: Shift. 
10: Be careful falling down the pit to your left, since you will have to weave 
    between the spikes. Note: you do not have to touch the opposite wall when 
    avoiding the spikes. 
11: You should have landed on the left, now down, arrow. 
12: Shift. 
13: Jump onto the right arrow, and move left carefully to touch the new right arrow. 
14: Touch the left arrow. 
15: Jump over the left arrow to touch the up arrow. 
16: Shift. 
17:Touch the left arrow, and fall to the door.

Level 13:
1: move left until you touch the key. 
2: Jump on the new door to get the next key. 
3: Repeat step 2. 
4: Jump on the new door. 
5: Jump onto the spot of black to the right. 
6: Shift. 
7: Touch the key. 
8: Shift. 
9: Jump up the doors to the left to get the light bulb at the top left corner of 
   the screen. 
10: Shift. 
11: Move left, touching all three keys as you go. 
12: Shift. 
13: Move down to the ground. 
14: Move all of the way to the left. 
15: Shift. 
16: Jump up the doors to touch the key. 
17: Jump onto the new door to the right to touch the left arrow. 
18: Go to the door at the right.

Level 14:
1: Jump to touch the light bulb, and be careful to land on top of the down arrow. 
2: Shift. 
3: Shift. 
4: Move to the left, and get the key as you fall. 
5: Touch the right arrow, and be careful to land on the black ledge without touching 
   any of the spikes. 
6: Shift. 
7: Move to the left, making sure you land on top of the door. 
8: Shift.
 9: Touch the up arrow. 
10: Move right to the door.

Level 15:
1: Shift. 
2: Touch the light bulb. 
3: Stand on a white space to the left. 
4: Shift. 
5: Jump right, landing on the black spot. 
6: Shift. 
7: Move left carefully until you fall to touch the up arrow, and make sure that you 
   move to the left just before you hit the bottom. 8: Touch the up arrow. 
9: Drop down to the right. 
10: Shift. 
11: Touch the up arrow. 
12: Touch the light bulb. 
13: If you have not already, touch the up arrow. 
14: touch the light bulb, and make sure that you move right with the right timing. 
15: Move right until you hit a wall. 
16: Touch the up arrow. 
17; Move right until you fall, and then hold left. 
18: You should touch the left arrow. 
19: Touch the light bulb. 
20: Stand on the left arrow 
21: Shift. 
22: Move right to fall to the door.

Here, there is a split.

Ending A: 

Level 15a:
1: Move right to the door.

Level 16a: 
1: Touch the light bulb. 
2: Repeat step 1. 
3: Repeat step 1. 
4: Repeat step 1. 

Ending B:

Level 15b:
1: Move left until the secret tunnel appears. 
2: Move right to touch the up arrow.

Level 16b:
1: Get the trophy. 
2: Go to the door.

Level 17b: 
1: Touch the up arrow. 
2: Go all the way right, touching the keys as you go. 
3: Go all the way left and touch the up arrow.

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