Nekonote Escape 03 - Dream Walkthrough: ------------ -get key under pink pillow -Get hammer from behind umbrella rack -Get green umbrella -hammer glass on star hole -Use umbrella to pull down hook in front of door -get pink key from pink vase -open drawers bellow tv, acquire flashlight -go to desk area, and click the hell out of the picture, till it's half off. -Open desk with red key, acquire notebook. -examine yellow chair at desk, also examine umbrella and use knife in umbrella on chair. -break piggy bank with hammer, acquire purple eye. -turn away from desk scene, then back to desk, pull down picture. -Turn on flash light and examine hole. -Note colors of wheel, and note the pages in the note book. -Go to blue ball by bed , and deflate it with umbrella knife. - The enter code: -(going left to right) -Blue Green Yellow Red -acquire yellow eye. -go back to ceiling box and enter eyes. -get star key, done.