Darklands (Flash)

Darklands (Flash)


1.Click on the door to the house. 
2.There's another door a little to the left of the center even 
  if you can't see it, click on it. 
3.Click on the wiggling gray thing up by the top. 
4.Click on the monster the moment he appears. 
5.Click on the drawer and read the paper. 
6.Turn left 
7.Click on the lock-box and enter the code from the paper. 
8.Click on the door handle. 
9.Turn left 
10.Click on the pizza box and grab the crowbar 
11.keep going to the right untill your reach the boarded up hole 
12.Click on the boards 
13.Click on the trap-door 
14.Click on the statue 
15.About a half-second after he stops talking a monster will come out 
   from slightly below his right(Your left) eye. click it before you die. 
16.Click at the top of the screen. 
17.Click at the far left end of the pipe to make part of it come off. 
18.grab the cd 
19.go back down and take the door on your left. 
20.put the cd into the computer. 
21.click where the panel used to be, a monsters going to come out. 
   Click the moment you hear him cry. 
22.Watch the ending. 
23.Sit at your computer for a few seconds reflecting on how you just 
   wasted 4 minutes of your life.

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