Thrillville – XBox

Thrillville - Platform: XBox

All parks:
While in any park, press X, B, Y, X, B, Y, X to unlock all parks.

All rides:
While in any park, press X, B, Y, X, B, Y(2) to unlock all rides.

Extra $50,000:
While in any park, press X, B, Y, X, B, Y, A.

Mission completion:
While in any park, press X, B, Y, X, B, Y, B. Then at the mission selection 
screen, press X to complete the highlighted mission and unlock the next mission. 
Note: Each time Square is pressed on a highlighted mission, the rank of the 
completion increases (from bronze, to silver, and finally gold). To reverse your 
progression on a mission, press B at the mission selection screen to remove the 
highlighted mission medal.

Get a 100% game completion to unlock the final two mini-games.

Easy friendship:
Tap A on the Chat menu instead of choosing which is the best conversation for 

Easy money:
In Career mode, get good rides and leave the game running while you are 
sleeping. You should have lots of money afterwards.

Faster Romance:
Play the Flirt mini-game instead of the regular conversation. Note: This option 
only becomes available after you reach the Love Interest level.
Keep pressing the third icon to either become their friend or sweetheart faster.

Different hat style:
Change the Hat Stall theme. To do this, press X, then choose "Inventory". Select 
the Hat Stall, select "Customize Style", then choose the themes. Change it with 
Left or Right.

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