Test Drive 5 – Playstation 1

Test Drive 5 - Platform: Playstation 1

All Tracks
Beat a drag race and save your name as MTHREE
or enter NUTS as a name on the high score screen 

All Cars
To access all cars, enter your name as RONE after 
earning a high score
or enter NOLIFE as a name on the high score screen 

Bonus Cars
For three bonus cars in single race mode, enter 
your name as NOLIFE at the high score screen. 

Cop Chase Mode
Simply enter your name as VRSIX to enable the 
"Cop Chase" play mode. You can use Time Trials, 
Cup Race or any method that requests you to enter 
a name for this code to work. 

Hidden Music Video
For a hidden music video, enter your name as AUXYRAY 
after winning a drag race or entering a cup race. 

Super Arcade Mode
For a change of pace, enter your name as SPURT after 
winning a drag race or entering a cup race 

New Car in Tournament
Go through the first race of a tournament (except 
Ultimate) then save your game. Then reset your 
playstation. After it loads your previous game, 
go to Full Race and choose Time Trials. Pick the 
car you want and race the time trial. After finishing 
the race, quit time trials and got to continue race. 
Do not go to load, but go straight to race. Hit Next 
Cup Race and you will start the race. You will have 
the car you picked in time trial and there will be no 
computer cars 

Classic Silverstone track
Enter "QUALITY" as a name on the high score screen 

Quarter mile race
Enter "FIESTA" as a name on the high score screen

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