Spider-Man - The Movie - Platform: XBox Cheatmode --------- Go to Specials/Cheats and enter the following codes: Code Result ----------------------- chillout - Super Coolant organicwebbing - Unlimited Webbing koala - All Fighting Controls imiarmas - Access All Levels underthemask - First Person View hermanschultz - Play as The Shocker romitas - Level Skip spiderbyte - Miniature Spider-Man goestoyourhead - Big Head and Feet joelspeanuts - Enemies Have Large Heads dodgethis - Matrix Style Attacks freakout - Play as Matrix Spider-Man headexplody - Bonus Training Levels girlnextdoor - Play as Mary Jane serum - Play as a Scientist realhero - Play as a Police Officer captainstacey - Play as a Helicopter Pilot knuckles - Play as Thug Model #1 stickyrice - Play as Thug Model #2 thugsrus - Play as Thug Model #3