Skate 3 - Platform: Playstation 3 Cheat mode: ----------- Pause the game, select "Options", "Extras", then "Enter Cheat Code". Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function: =Play as Isaac Clarke from Dead Space= Enter "deadspacetoo" as a code to unlock Isaac Clarke from Dead Space. =Hoverboard mode= Enter "mcfly" as a code. In this mode, trucks and wheels disappear from your board. =Mini-Skater mode= Enter "miniskaters" as a code. =Zombie mode= Enter "zombie" as a code. In this mode, the screen will turn yellow and pedestrians will chase you. =Miracle Whip clothes and objects= Enter "dontbesomayo" as a code to unlock the Miracle Whip clothes and objects. =Reset all objects to their original positions= Enter "streetsweeper" as a code. Play as Dem Bones: ------------------ Successfully complete all Hall Of Meat challenges to unlock Dem Bones.