Serious Sam Advance - Platform: Gameboy Advance LEVEL PASSWORDS: ---------------- HEXMODE Amon Thule, Subterranean Palace Of The Pharaos (easy) WOLF Amon Thule, Subterranean Palace Of The Pharaos (hard) OPEE Amon Thule, Subterranean Palace Of The Pharaos (normal) NEED Baths Of Diocletian (easy) LIMO Baths Of Diocletian (hard) OWL Baths Of Diocletian (normal) WAFTY Ceasar's Palace (easy) MOCKNEY Ceasar's Palace (hard) MOOPAY Ceasar's Palace (normal) COINAGE Gladiator Training School (easy) MADEUP Gladiator Training School (hard) FRYUP Gladiator Training School (normal) NORTHERN Preatorian Fort (easy) MIRROR Preatorian Fort (hard) FILLY Preatorian Fort (normal) BADDUN Pyramid Entrance Maze (easy) CHIPPER Pyramid Entrance Maze (hard) BETTERER Pyramid Entrance Maze (normal) BOBBINS Slave Compound (easy) FORREST Slave Compound (hard) PILCH Slave Compound (normal) TOAST Slave Quarters (easy) BEAK Slave Quarters (hard) BEVIL Slave Quarters (normal) GAMES The Forum Of Mars (easy) FOZZER The Forum Of Mars (hard) DUCKAROO The Forum Of Mars (normal) MNIP The Temple of Herkat Lower (easy) TITHES The Temple of Herkat Lower (hard) KIPPAGE The Temple of Herkat Lower (normal) MEGAMUNT Tomb Of Ramses (easy) EYE Tomb Of Ramses (hard) HORSE Tomb Of Ramses (normal)