Robot Wars – Extreme Destruction – XBox

Robot Wars - Extreme Destruction - Platform: XBox
House Robots
Press R, L, Up(3), L, R, Down(3), X at the competition mode 
menu to unlock the House Robots in arcade mode.

Do the following sequence whilst in the pause menu: Trigger-R, 
Trigger-L, D-pad-R, D-pad-L, D-pad-R, D-pad-L, D-pad-R, D-pad-L, 
Button-Y, Button X, Button X, Button X, Button X, Trigger-R, 
Trigger-L. To make the robots normal again, just enter the cheat 
once more. 

Dominator 2, Tornado, and Chaos 2
Successfully complete stage 7 in competition mode and defeat the 
champion to unlock Dominator 2, Tornado, and Chaos 2.

Hypno-Disc and Razer
Successfully complete stage 6 in competition mode and defeat the champion to 
unlock Hypno-Disc and Razer.

Extra Money
Go to the competition mode menu and input the following button sequence: 
L, R, L, R, Y, X, D-Pad Up, D-Pad Left, D-Pad Up, R, L, R.

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