Pokemon Crystal - Platform: Gameboy Advance Submitted by: drasko Console - GameboyAdvance ei have celebi? 7e010218-celebi Submitte d by: Zoky - Croatia Attention!!! When you start the game, leave your GameShark OFF! when you are in the game and the GameShark is on sometimes the screen will freeze, just turn off the GameShark and the screen will load. Turn the GameShark back on after the screen is finished loading Read!!! 1 Hit Enemy Kills 910017d2 1st Pokemon: Infinite HP 910301dd 91e702dd 910303dd 91e704dd 1st Pokemon: Max Level 9164fedc 1st Pokemon: Max Stats 910305dd 91e706dd 910307dd 91e708dd 910309dd 91e70add 91030bdd 91e70cdd 91030ddd 91e70edd 1st Pokemon: Pokemon Modifier 91xxd8dc 2nd Pokemon: Infinite HP 910331dd 91e732dd 910333dd 91e734dd 2nd Pokemon: Max Level 91642edc 2nd Pokemon: Max Stats 910335dd 91e736dd 910337dd 91e738dd 910339dd 91e73add 91033bdd 91e73cdd 91033ddd 91e73edd 2nd Pokemon: Pokemon Modifier 91xxd9dc 3rd Pokemon: Infinite HP 910361dd 91e762dd 910363dd 91e764dd 3rd Pokemon: Max Level 91645edc 3rd Pokemon: Max Stats 910365dd 91e766dd 910367dd 91e768dd 910369dd 91e76add 91036bdd 91e76cdd 91036ddd 91e76edd 3rd Pokemon: Pokemon Modifier 91xxdadc 4th Pokemon: Infinite HP 910391dd 91e792dd 910393dd 91e794dd 4th Pokemon: Max Level 91648edc 4th Pokemon: Max Stats 910395dd 91e796dd 910397dd 91e798dd 910399dd 91e79add 91039bdd 91e79cdd 91039ddd 91e79edd 4th Pokemon: Pokemon Modifier 91xxdbdc 5th Pokemon: Infinite HP 9103c1dd 91e7c2dd 9103c3dd 91e7c4dd 5th Pokemon: Max Level 9164bedc 5th Pokemon: Max Stats 9103c5dd 91e7c6dd 9103c7dd 91e7c8dd 9103c9dd 91e7cadd 9103cbdd 91e7ccdd 9103cddd 91e7cedd 5th Pokemon: Pokemon Modifier 91xxdcdc 6th Pokemon: Infinite HP 9103f1dd 91e7f2dd 9103f3dd 91e7f4dd 6th Pokemon: Max Level 9164eedc 6th Pokemon: Max Stats 9103f5dd 91e7f6dd 9103f7dd 91e7f8dd 9103f9dd 91e7fadd 9103fbdd 91e7fcdd 9103fddd 91e7fedd 6th Pokemon: Pokemon Modifier 91xxdddc All Pokemon in Pokedex 910f99de 91ff9ade 91ff9bde 91ff9cde 91ff9dde 91ff9ede 91ff9fde 91ffa0de 91ffa1de 91ffa2de 91ffa3de 91ffa4de 91ffa5de 91ffa6de 91ffa7de 91ffa8de 91ffa9de 91ffaade 91ffabde 91ffacde 91ffadde 91ffaede 91ffafde 91ffb0de 91ffb1de 91ffb2de 91ffb3de 91ffb4de 91ffb5de 91ffb6de 91ffb7de 91ffb8de 91ffb9de 91ffbade 91ffbbde 91ffbcde 91ffbdde 91ffbede 91ffbfde 91ffc0de 91ffc1de 91ffc2de 91ffc3de 91ffc4de 91ffc5de 91ffc6de 91ffc7de 91ffc8de 91ffc9de 91ffcade 91ffcbde 91ffccde 91ffcdde 91ffcede 91ffcfde 91ffd0de 91ffd1de 91ffd2de 91ffd3de 91ffd4de 91ffd5de 91ffd6de 91ffd7de 910fd8de Ball Slot 1 Modifier 91xxd8d8 Ball Slot 10 Modifier 91xxead8 Ball Slot 11 Modifier 91xxecd8 Ball Slot 12 Modifier 91xxeed8 Ball Slot 2 Modifier 91xxdad8 Ball Slot 3 Modifier 91xxdcd8 Ball Slot 4 Modifier 91xxded8 Ball Slot 5 Modifier 91xxe0d8 Ball Slot 6 Modifier 91xxe2d8 Ball Slot 7 Modifier 91xxe4d8 Ball Slot 8 Modifier 91xxe6d8 Ball Slot 9 Modifier 91xxe8d8 Catch Any Pokemon 91xx04d2 Enable Scrolling For Balls Replace xx with the amount of ball slots you are using. Use the Pokemon Level Modifiers for the digits. 91xxd7d8 Enable Scrolling For Items Replace xx with the amount of item slots you are using. Use the Pokemon Level Modifiers for the digits. 91xx92d8 Enemy Level Modifier (In Battle) 91xx13d2 Have All Badges 91ff57d8 91ff58d8 Have All PokeGear Items 91ff57d9 Infinite Balls Slot 1 9163d9d8 Infinite Balls Slot 10 9163ebd8 Infinite Balls Slot 11 9163edd8 Infinite Balls Slot 12 9163efd8 Infinite Balls Slot 2 9163dbd8 Infinite Balls Slot 3 9163ddd8 Infinite Balls Slot 4 9163dfd8 Infinite Balls Slot 5 9163e1d8 Infinite Balls Slot 6 9163e3d8 Infinite Balls Slot 7 9163e5d8 Infinite Balls Slot 8 9163e7d8 Infinite Balls Slot 9 9163e9d8 Infinite Item Slot 1 916394d8 Infinite Item Slot 10 9163a6d8 Infinite Item Slot 11 9163a8d8 Infinite Item Slot 12 9163aad8 Infinite Item Slot 13 9163acd8 Infinite Item Slot 14 9163aed8 Infinite Item Slot 15 9163b0d8 Infinite Item Slot 16 9163b2d8 Infinite Item Slot 17 9163b4d8 Infinite Item Slot 2 916396d8 Infinite Item Slot 3 916398d8 Infinite Item Slot 4 91639ad8 Infinite Item Slot 5 91639cd8 Infinite Item Slot 6 91639ed8 Infinite Item Slot 7 9163a0d8 Infinite Item Slot 8 9163a2d8 Infinite Item Slot 9 9163a4d8 Infinite Money 910f4ed8 91424fd8 913f50d8 Item Slot 1 Modifier 91xx93d8 Item Slot 10 Modifier 91xxa5d8 Item Slot 11 Modifier 91xxa7d8 Item Slot 12 Modifier 91xxa9d8 Item Slot 13 Modifier 91xxabd8 Item Slot 14 Modifier 91xxadd8 Item Slot 15 Modifier 91xxafd8 Item Slot 16 Modifier 91xxb1d8 Item Slot 17 Modifier 91xxb3d8 Item Slot 2 Modifier 91xx95d8 Item Slot 3 Modifier 91xx97d8 Item Slot 4 Modifier 91xx99d8 Item Slot 5 Modifier 91xx9bd8 Item Slot 6 Modifier 91xx9dd8 Item Slot 7 Modifier 91xx9fd8 Item Slot 8 Modifier 91xxa1d8 Item Slot 9 Modifier 91xxa3d8 Low Game Time 9100c5d4 9100c6d4 Pkmn1 Max PP 9163f6dc 9163f7dc 9163f8dc 9163f9dc Pkmn1 Move1 Mod 91xxe1dc Pkmn1 Move2 Mod 91xxe2dc Pkmn1 Move3 Mod 91xxe3dc Pkmn1 Move4 Mod 91xxe4dc Pkmn2 Max PP 916326dd 916327dd 916328dd 916329dd Pkmn2 Move1 Mod 91xx11dd Pkmn2 Move2 Mod 91xx11dd Pkmn2 Move3 Mod 91xx11dd Pkmn2 Move4 Mod 91xx11dd Pkmn3 Max PP 916356dd 916357dd 916358dd 916359dd Pkmn3 Move1 Mod 91xx41dd Pkmn3 Move2 Mod 91xx41dd Pkmn3 Move3 Mod 91xx41dd Pkmn3 Move4 Mod 91xx41dd Pkmn4 Max PP 916386dd 916387dd 916388dd 916389dd Pkmn4 Move1 Mod 91xx71dd Pkmn4 Move2 Mod 91xx72dd Pkmn4 Move3 Mod 91xx73dd Pkmn4 Move4 Mod 91xx74dd Pkmn5 Max PP 9163b6dd 9163b7dd 9163b8dd 9163b9dd Pkmn5 Move1 Mod 91xxa1dd Pkmn5 Move2 Mod 91xxa1dd Pkmn5 Move3 Mod 91xxa1dd Pkmn5 Move4 Mod 91xxa1dd Pkmn6 Max PP 9163e6dd 9163e7dd 9163e8dd 9163e9dd Pkmn6 Move1 Mod 91xxd1dd Pkmn6 Move2 Mod 91xxd1dd Pkmn6 Move3 Mod 91xxd1dd Pkmn6 Move4 Mod 91xxd1dd Cheats: ------- Submitted by: Raihanul Bari Tanvir You have to use these codes by gameshark codes: 919004d2-Articuno 919104d2-Zapdos 919204d2-Moltress 919304d2-Dratini 919404d2-Dragonair 919504d2-Dragonite 919604d2-Mewtwo 919704d2-Mew 919804d2-Chickorita 919904d2-Bayleef Hint: ----- Submitted by: saurabh yadav allahabad up india POKEMON ALL VERSION sorry guess it is only for those who use the game boy advance amulator for pc only and not for the original game boy advance with the help of this u can catch allmost every pokemon exept rare ones (i.e mewto,zapdos,articuno etc.) note:- u can catch them with ordinary poke balls but they are tough try using there opponent as for moltres use any water or phsicic type so the cheat is while catching a pokemon u must see before throwing the pokeball go to ur bag and click on the pokeball u want and save the game in ur save game slot and ur done catch the pokemon and if it throw away try again until u got it but remember low level pokemon are tough to catch but it is not imposible so try and try. at last i want to thank u all for ur coperation and if u want help i will do for u my id is saurabh_yadav99@yahoo.com be my frnd in orkut i would love to and also i will help u if u want any pc game which u do not find in internet hope love it at last thanking mr.fankhauser for this cheatbook Cheats: ------- Submitted by: starintl Write and get the cheats 918004d2-tauros 917104d2-chansey 917004d2-rhydon 917204d2-tangela 917404d2-horsea 917504d2-seadra 917604d2-goldeen 917704d2-seaking 917804d2-staryu 917904d2-starmie 918104d2-magikarp 918204d2-gyarados 918304d2-lapras 918404d2-ditto 918504d2-evee 918604d2-vapoureon 918704d2-jolteon 918804d2-flareon 918904d2-porygon 916004d2-drowzee 916104d2-hypno 916204d2-krabby 916304d2-kingler 916404d2-voltorb 916504d2-electrode 916604d2-exeggute 916704d2-exeggutor 916804d2-cubone 916904d2-marowak