Oddworld Stranger's Wrath - Platform: XBox Cheat Mode: ----------- Press X, X, Y, Y, B, B, A, A on controller two to enable cheat mode. $1,000: ------- Enable "Cheat mode" first. Click Left Analog-stick twice, Right Analog-stick twice, Left Analog-stick twice and Right Analog-stick twice. Infinite Cash: -------------- After you collect all of your first bounties, and you're moseying on to the next town, bash some villagers! They spew money! Keep doing this as much as you want, and reap the rewards. Just dont piss them off too much, especially in New Yolk City. They'll go inside until you settle yourself down. Invincibility: -------------- Enable "Cheat mode" first. Press X, Y, A, B, X, Y. Invisible Stranger: ------------------- Enable the "Invincibility" code. Find any area that has a trap that you need the Zappfly to activate (such as a boulder or box.). Stand underneath the boulder enough so that you can still shoot the target. You must be in first person view hrough all of this. Let the boulder or box land on you, which normally crushes you. After the boulder or box lifts itself up, walk away and get out of first person view. You should not be able see yourself, but are still there. Note: After you have one this, you will not be able to move without attacking or being in first person view. Do not save the game after doing this. Level Select: ------------- If you want to select your level, start a new game and enter the following Player Name: (c)@(r)&. That is: copyright symbol, followed by @, followed by Registered Trademark Symbol, followed by &. Mongrel Valley: Black Market store: ----------------------------------- Enter New Yolk City and talk to one of the townsfolk. Climb the rope that you are told about and jump to the nearby ledge. Follow the ledge all the way around the buildings until you reach a set of swinging doors. Enter it to access a hidden Black arket store, where you can buy upgrades to your weapons and attributes. Secret Grubb Statue: -------------------- When you complete the Eugene Ius bounty you will end up in a Grubb village. Proceed into the village by jumping across the rooftops. Turn right and keep going forward and you see a break to the right, leading to a little maze like area. Turn right and there will be a small fork path, go left and you will be right next to a rope. Climb it and jump on to the roof. You can see another rope that you have to jump onto. When you jump on it you can see a boarded up window. Break it by shooting it or meleeing it. When you enter the room there is a shiny Grubb statue. Its worth a bit of moolah. Sekto Tactics: -------------- To beat Sekto,you should be carrying a full ammo clip for each type of ammo that causes heavy damage. First, you need to run around and wait till a part of the roof falls downand when it does run behind it. From the side shoot the 2 launchers at both sides of his machine with heavy ammo (if you run out there are some crates behind youto fill up your ammo). Repeat these steps until the lights at both sides of the machine go out. The between melee: ------------------ Between the loading of ammo clips you can perform melee's. To do this press respective trigger. EX: if the left side of the bow loading another clip the press the left trigger. If the right side of the bow loading another clip the press the right trigger. This can prove very usefull in saving your rear.