Naruto - Platform: Gameboy Advance Unlock Kakashi: --------------- In order to unlock Hatake Kakashi beat the game with both Naruto and Sasuke. Unlock Sound Test Mode ---------------------- To successfully unlock the Sound Test Mode, just collect all 100 Leaf Symbols and it'll appear on the Main Menu. Unlocking Gaara --------------- To fight the hidden Boss Gaara, beat the game with somebody and then start over as them. The levels will change, and the final boss will be Gaara 2nd Mission ----------- Beating the game one time with any character will unlock a 2nd ''night-time'' mission for that character. The levels will remain the same, but the final 3 bosses are different. Portrait Gallery ---------------- Beating the game one time will unlock the portrait gallery, where you can view portraits for all the characters you meet, and the bosses you've beaten. Secret Jutsus ------------- On the Leaf Village Arena level, 1st Area (first level where you get the wind scroll) near the end of the level, you will fight a jounin-level enemy (big green ninja) and to the right of the platform he is standing on, there is a small crawl-way. Inside of the room, there is a large invisible scroll. When you acquire it, that character will permanatly learn level 4 Jutsus (if you save your game.)