Mobile Suit Gundam - Encounters in Space - Platform: Playstation 1 Braw Bro: --------- Beat all 8 zeon missions in ace pilot mode Dozul Zabi Zaku-II: ------------------- S rank Shin Matsunaga mission 2 Full Armor Gundam: ------------------ Clear Capture Fortress level 4, mission mode Federation G-armor: -------- Clear Escort Transports level 4, mission mode Federation Gundam Alex: ------------ Create Level 3 NT Federation pilot Jack Bayard: ------------ Create 5 Federation pilots Public: ------- Clear Battle of Loum level 4, mission mode Federation Val Varo: --------- Clear Assault Enemy Fleet level 4, mission mode Zeon BGM List 1: ----------- Beat White Base Mode once (ranks do not matter). BGM List 2: ----------- Beat Thoroughbred Mode (Normal), as well as all Ace scenarios (ranks do not matter Anaval Gato: ------------ Beat Kou's Ace mode once Black Tri Stars: ---------------- Beat Char's Ace mode once Char: ----- Beat White Base Mode once Cima: ----- Beat Gato's Ace mode once Johnny Ridden: -------------- Beat Black Tri Stars Ace mode once Kou Uraki: ---------- Automatically unlocked at beginning Shin Matsunaga: --------------- Beat Johnny Ridden's Ace mode once Yuu: ---- Make a custom pilot with Newtype Level 3 Black tri stars Zaku1: ---------------------- Rank s on mission 2 on black tri stars ace pilot Zeong: ------ Rank S on mission 5 of chars ace pilot mode Unlock Black-Tri-Stars: ---------------------- Beat Char's Ace pilot mode Unlock Char: ------------ Beat whitebase mode