Metal Gear Solid 2 - Substance - Platform: XBox All VR missions and characters: ------------------------------- Start a new Missions file, then enter "UUDDLRLRBA" as a name to unlock all VR missions and characters. Control intermission sequences: ------------------------------- During an intermission sequence, press L or R to zoom in. The harder you press, the more the zoom. You will hear a gunshot. While holding the button, use the Right Analog-stick to move the view. Also during certain parts of some intermissions are sections where it looks like you are viewing the scene through a camera or binoculars. You can use the zoom feature with these as well, and the onscreen distance or zoom indicators will increase realistically the more you zoom in. This also can be done at the beginning of the game, before pressing Start. Control title screen: --------------------- At the title screen, press White to hear a gunshot and see a flash. Use the Right Analog-stick at the title screen to change the background color. Control Codec sequences: ------------------------ During a Codec sequence, press the Left Analog-stick or Right Analog-stick to move the faces. Click the Left Analog-stick or Right Analog-stick to zoom in. When using your Codec to contact Otacon or others in the game, press R to reveal Snake's or Raiden's thoughts about those persons, with some funny phrases. You will also hear who they really feel about their women. In-game reset: -------------- While playing the game, hold L + R and press Start + Select. Digital camera: --------------- Successfully complete the game. The digital camera will be available when a new game is started. Also, the digital camera is locate in Strut E Shell 1. Go to the bottom of the screen and locate the platform with three red lights on it. Climb up onto it and equip the Z.O.E. Box. When the conveyor stops, press Action to climb on. You will be taken to another room. Press Action again to get off and retrieve the Digital Camera. Exit the room in the same fashion. Stealth, Bandanna and Wig bonuses: ---------------------------------- Complete the following goals to get the Stealth (invisibility), Bandanna (infinite ammo for Snake), and the Wig (infinite ammunition for Raiden). To get Stealth and Bandanna, complete the Tanker mission three times on three different difficulty settings (all on the same saved file) and get all the dog tags. To get Stealth and Wig, complete the plant three times on three different difficulty settings (all on the same save file) and get all the dog tags.