Gundam - Battle Assault - Platform: Playstation 1 Submitted by: Jeanette Hill How to get the Gundam RX-78: Beat the game on any difficulty with the Z Gundam. Then choose the Sazabi and play until you face Gundam RX-78, beat him and then beat the game and he'll be selectable in VS. Mode. (You may have to fight many times with the Sazabi to get him to show up.) How to get the Ball: Beat the game on any Difficulty with all 12 Mobile Suits. The Ball will be selectable in VS. Mode. How to get the U-Gundam (New Gundam): After getting the Ball, fight as Zaku II on any difficulty. U-Gundam may show up and fight you midway in Story Mode. Beat him then beat the game. U-Gundam will be selectable in VS. Mode. (You may have to fight many times with Zaku II to get him to show up.) How to get the Zaku's (Char's Zaku): At the main menu (Story, VS., Memory Card, Option), press L1, L1, L1, L1, R1, R1, R1, R1, L1, R1, L1, R1, L1, R1, L1, R1. A sound will confirm correct entry. Go into VS. Mode and keep pressing Right How to get the bosses Bygzam, Neue Ziel, Psycho, and Hydra: Beat the game on Easy difficulty to obtain the BYGZAM Beat the game on Normal difficulty to obtain the NEUE ZIEL Beat the game on Hard difficulty to obtain the PSYCHO Beat the game on Hard difficulty without any continues to obtain the HYDRA (Note: If you obtain Hydra, all Bosses will automatically be selectable.) How to see the Full Ending: Beat the game on any difficulty with the Wing Gundam. Heero will comment "Mission Complete" and a special sequence will begin after the normal ending. How to get The Ball: The real and sure way to get this gundam is to finish story mode with each gundam twice, then in V.S mode, char gundam Zaku should be selectable. How to get Big Zam: To obtain big zam, finish the story mode on easy or medium or hard (can use continues) How to get Neviel Zeil: Finish story mode normal or hard (can use continues) How to get Psycho mk2: Finish story mode on hard (can use continues) How to get Hydra Gundam: Finish story mode on hard (cant use continues) How to get Gundam: Finish story mode with the Z-Gundam, then choose any gundam besides Z-gundam and Acguy, repeat this and Gundam will soon apear. How to get V-Gundam or U-Gundam: The names on the some copys are diffrent. Finish story mode with all the with at least half of the gundams, U-V-Gundam will soon show up, beet him and hes yours in V.S mode. (note getting this gundam will erase all of the boss gundams besides Big Zam and Neviel, so u have to earn them back) How to beat Psycho mk 2: An easy way to beet him, after using all your ammo and specials would be, try to have less damage then him, then run around him so he can't hit u till the time is up. How to beat Big Zam: Just use the fly mode down right then fly button and batte him into a pulp.