Guitar Hero 5 – XBox 360

Guitar Hero 5 - Platform: XBox 360

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of 
Gamerscore points:

  Fest Quartet Quest (20 points): Play 10 4-Player RockFest Mode games of any 
  The Grand Tour (30 points): Unlock every venue in the world, and then some . 
  Going Gold (20 points): Complete 50 of the challenges at Gold or better. 
  Going Platinum (30 points): Complete 50 of the challenges at Platinum or 
  Going Diamond (50 points): Complete 50 of the challenges at Diamond. 
  Iron Lungs (20 points): Complete a 25-phrase streak as a Vocalist. 
  Sampler Plate (30 points): Play at least one song in Quickplay, Career and 
  each Competitive game type. 
  Producer (10 points): Create a music studio song. 
  The Fabricated Four (10 points): Create a band of 4 created rockers and play a 
  song with them. 
  Quadruple Threat (30 points): Complete at least one challenge for every 
  instrument at Gold level or better. 
  Rocktopus (20 points): Make a standard 8 player Band v Band match online, win 
  or lose. 
  Ménage à Huit (20 points): Play an online match with 8 players, all on the 
  same instrument. 
  Outgoing (10 points): Complete 25 Pro Face Off matches online (Win or Lose). 
  Barbershop (10 points): Play a song with 4 Vocalists. 
  Drumline (10 points): Play a song with 4 Drummers. 
  String Quartet (10 points): Play a song with 4 Lead Guitarists . 
  All Four Bass Are Belong to Us (10 points): Play a song with 4 Bass Guitarists.

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