GodFather 2 - Platform: XBox 360 Hint: ----- Submitted by: Taylor Email: buster365@hotmail.com For the level 3 mangnum look for it in the kitchen of the mangan's compound not on second floor. Easy way to kill a rival man: ----------------------------- Submitted by: bouncy bounce when any of your buissnises are being attacted there is normly a rival man there so you can kill him but of cause you dont no how like burn him or shoot him between the eyes you dont know but that is a tip and a rival man is someone in someones family like in the monganos family. hop this help't you. cuba's secret: -------------- Submitted by: bouncy bounce in cuba when you come out your safehouse walk up to the little wall jump over it and you will fall under ground and die BUT once you die you will spawn back under there and you will not die you can walk about under ground shooting the top floor and people will run and no one can get you but you cant get them or get out BUT i think if you kill your self you will spawn out if not you will have to go save game then quit and then load game. sometimes it doesent work. hope you liked this.