Giga Wing 2 – Dreamcast

Giga Wing 2 - Platform: Dreamcast

Bonus levels: 
Beat the arcade mode to get more levels in score attack mode.

Bonus planes: 
To unlock all five of the original planes 
from Giga Wing, successfully complete the 
game on any difficulty setting with each 
character without continuing. The character 
you complete the game with will determine 
the plane that is unlocked. Complete it with 
Kart to unlock the Raijin, Romi to unlock the 
Purchka, Ralugo to unlock the Widerstand, Limi 
to unlock the Stranger, and Chery to unlock the 

Unlock New Stages:
Beat the Arcade game once through to unlock Score Attack Stages 4-7.

Cheat mode:
Select the Gallery-option from the main menu, then quickly press 
Up, X, Y, X, Down, Y, X, Y, Y. 

If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

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