Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter – XBox

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter - Platform: XBox

Walls and barriers:
You cannot hide behind walls or barriers in first person view unless 
you plan on staying at that location for awhile. Unlike third person 
view where you can just tap Y to automatically hide, you must hold [Y] 
in first person view to hide. Press [Up] to look over a barrier or to 
open fire. Press [Left] or [Right] (depending on how you are positioned) 
to look out.

Slip and slide:
When you are running and suddenly get fired upon, quickly tap the [Left 
Analog-stick]. You will slide along the ground. If you are running and 
click and hold the [Left Analog-stick], you will do a sort of belly flop 
and slide on your stomach.

Sluggish controls:
If you are carrying a large automatic weapon, the controls will feel 
sluggish because of the weight of the gun. However, if you switch to 
a hand held gun, the controls will be more responsive.

Xbox Live music help:
Keeping the music on is recommended, as the tempo picks up when you 
are approaching the enemy. Conversely the music slows back down when 
you are at a safe distance.

Quick tips in battle:
Quickly press [A] to reload your weapon.
Quickly press [B] to switch to your alternate weapon(s).
Quickly press [Y] to lean up against a wall or some sort of cover in 
third person view.
If you are running and are suddenly fired upon, click the [Left Analog-stick] 
to lie flat.
Click [Right Analog-stick] to zoom in with a sniper or rifle. 
This will not work with large automatic machine guns.

GRAW: Fly:
Go by the last seen spot of the V.I.P. Dive out in front of the car and 
switch to assault. Call the team to regroup and go forward while lying down. 
You will fly a few inches above the ground.

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