Fullmetal Alchemist - Dual Sympathy - Platform: Nintendo DS Shortcut: --------- When in the underground city, while facing the giant heads that you have to fight then use alchemy, destroy two then transmute a wall. Jump on top of wall. You will then be able to jump over the head. Unlock Character Mode: ---------------------- Comple Story Mode. Unlock Gallery pictures: ------------------------ Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding picture in the gallery. Unlock Hard Mode: ----------------- Complete story mode. Unlock Picture 1-1: ------------------- Complete the game eight times and select the squares at the end. Unlock Picture 1-2: ------------------- Have the Game Boy Advance game Fullmetal Alchemist: Omoide no Sonata in the cartridge slot. Unlock Picture 1-3: ------------------- Have the Game Boy Advance game Full Metal Alchemist:Hagane no Renkinjutsushi in the cartridge slot. Unlock Picture 2-1: ------------------- Complete character mode as Ed without continuing. Unlock Picture 2-2: ------------------ Complete character mode as Al without continuing. Unlock Picture 2-3: ------------------- Complete character mode as Mustang without continuing. Unlock Picture 3-1: ------------------- Complete character mode as Armstrong without continuing. Unlock Picture 3-2: ------------------- Complete character mode as Scar without continuing. Unlock Picture 3-3: ------------------- Complete character mode as Izumi without continuing. Unlock Sound Library Voices: ---------------------------- Successfully complete character mode to unlock that character's voice in the Sound Library.