Fifa 2006 – Nintendo DS

Fifa 2006 - Platform: Nintendo DS

My FIFA store points:
Complete the following tasks to earn the number of points at 
the My FIFA store:

Complete the Underdog challenge      - 500 points
Complete the Hat Trick challenge     - 500 points
Win the LDV Vans Trophy              - 500 points
Win the Football League 1            - 500 points
Win the Football League 2            - 500 points
Win the Scottish Cup                 - 500 points
Complete the 5 Minute challenge      - 750 points
Win the League Cup                   - 750 points
Win the Football League Championship - 750 points
Win the Scottish Premier League      - 750 points
Win the English Cup                  - 1,000 points
Win the F.A. Premier League          - 1,500 points

Start as five star team in career mode:
To do this you must unlock career teams in the My Fifa menu. 
You can do this by completing the challenges set. 

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