ESPN NHL 2K5 - Platform: XBox

Cheat mode:
Enter "LuvLeafs" as a case-sensitive profile name to unlock everything in the 
skybox from trophies to classic jerseys.

Hidden skills competitions:
Successfully complete the skills competitions without using more than three 
continues during the entire time. Then, hold Up selecting the "Skills 
Competition" option to see more skills competition options.

Easy goal:
An easy way to score is when the goalie covers the puck and there is a face off 
to the left or right of the net. Move the Analog-stick in the direction of the 
shot to the net. When the referee drops the puck, press B instead of A. The 
goalie usually will not be expecting it, and it will go into the net. 
Additionally, get the puck and try to get a breakaway. Stay in the middle at the 
sides of the circles. Turn fast in either side and do a wristshot or backhand. 
Note: This may not work every time.

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