ESPN NBA 2Night - Platform: Playstation 2 Increased shooting percentage ----------------------------- Enter EXCELLENT as a case sensitive code at the cheat screen. Better performing players ------------------------- Enter ABILITYBONUS as a case sensitive code at the cheat screen. Basketball heads ----------------- Enter BALLHEAD as a case sensitive code at the cheat screen. Big heads ---------- Enter BIGHEAD as a case-sensitive code at the cheat screen. Big hands ---------- Enter BIGHAND as a case sensitive code at the cheat screen. Big feet -------- Enter BIGFOOT as a case sensitive code at the cheat screen. Flat players ------------ Enter PANCAKE as a case sensitive code at the cheat screen. Small players -------------- Enter MINIMINI as a case sensitive code at the cheat screen. Easy dunks ------------ Enter DUNKERS as a case sensitive code at the cheat screen. No overhead lighting --------------------- Enter DARKNESS as a case sensitive code at the cheat screen. No spectators --------------- Enter NOSPECTATOR as a case sensitive code at the cheat screen. Invisible players ---------------- Enter INVISIBLE as a case sensitive code at the cheat screen. Show ball trails --------------- Enter BEFOREIMAGE as a case sensitive code at the cheat screen. Easy dunks ------------ Turn off traveling, then hold X to shoot, but do not release. Then, spin or walk past the defender and dunk the ball.