Dragon's Curse - Platform: Wii Full Life: ---------- After dying, use a potion while holding II. Last Quest: ----------- Enter the following password to start with all the necessary transformations and items to enter the final castle: W0CV 5ATV KYR1 SV. Ultimate password: ------------------ Press Run on the title screen, select Continue and then select Password. Password - Effect ----------------- 3ZHURYNZY726VH Start as Hu-Man with 8 hearts, all equipment, all transformations unlocked and only the final dungeon to beat. Be Hu Man at Start (JP ONLY) ---------------------------- MODE FOR OOOO OOO Disable door noise (JP ONLY): ----------------------------- PLAY THE ONGA KUN Start as Be Hu Man: ------------------- NODEGOSOOOOOOO Start with advanced abilities and items: ---------------------------------------- 3WSURYXZY763TE Take away the noises from doors: -------------------------------- RMAYTJEOPHALUP Beginning Passwords: -------------------- Enter the following passwords at the Continue screen: Password - Effect ----------------- 3YHURYW7Y7LL8C - Start game at beginning with Max.Gold(983,040)/All Equipment/Full Health(8 Hearts)/Max.Stones(99)/All Items/Hawk-Man Status 3YHURYW7Y7LPBS - Start game at beginning with Max.Gold(983,040)/All Equipment/Full Health(8 Hearts)/Max.Stones(99)/All Items/Hu-Man Status 3YHURYW7Y7LRBW - Start game at beginning with Max.Gold(983,040)/All Equipment/Full Health(8 Hearts)/Max.Stones(99)/All Items/Lizard-Man Status 3YHURYW7Y7LM80 - Start game at beginning with Max.Gold(983,040)/All Equipment/Full Health(8 Hearts)/Max.Stones(99)/All Items/Mouse-Man Status 3YHURYW7Y7LN84 - Start game at beginning with Max.Gold(983,040)/All Equipment/Full Health(8 Hearts)/Max.Stones(99)/All Items/Piranha-Man Status 3YHURYW7Y7LK88 - Start game at beginning with Max.Gold(983,040)/All Equipment/Full Health(8 Hearts)/Max.Stones(99)/All Items/Tiger-Man Status