Dragon Ball Z - Supersonic Warriors - Platform: Gameboy Advance Attack position: ---------------- When you use strong attacks, your position matters. For example, if Piccolo at any level is on the ground with a Spirit gauge at 100% and you use his special, he will fire a group of disks at your opponent, and it will follow your opponent. Note: You can avoid these disks. Bonus Battle: ------------- Successfully complete story mode without losing any matches. Depending on your character, you may fight a bonus battle after the credits end. Easier win: ----------- To get an easier victory over someone, first immediately when the match starts, do your super attack. Then, charge up to 100%. Let your opponent charge to 50% or 100%. Let your opponent do his super attack and immediately when the blast comes out, quick dodge it by pressing the D-pad twice. Immediately when you dodge it, do your super attack. Your opponent may still be blasting when you blast. Therefore he will not move. Note: You are better off doing this if your opponent is in a corner. Cheat: ------ Submitted by: Stephanus Andi P Gameshark: ---------- 1 [M] Must Be On 9777216CCAED 038F2CB6B350 6E6D4497E485 2 Unlock Everything 2EB1D3AADD1B FC73B37934AC 3 Have $50,000 39527102A746 4 Infinite Health 2B050DA95A5B 5 Max Power Stored FCAADA56D7B7 6 Rival Has No Power C6A629F2A334 7 Rival Is Practice Dummy 7A0A36BCA784 8 Defeat Rival [Press Select] AAC27DD8351D ECA2F958A7B4 -= CodeBreakers= Submitted by: andresb-24 (andresb-24@hotmail.com) Ki at 100% ---------- 8300274A 6400 Press Select for Instant win: ----------------------------- 74000130 03FB 33002826 0000 Everything unlocked! -------------------- 43004D58 FFFF 00000004 0002 [M] Must Be On-------------- 9777216CCAED 038F2CB6B350 6E6D4497E485 Unlock Everything -----------------2EB1D3AADD1B FC73B37934AC Have $50,000------------ 39527102A746 Infinite Health---------------- 2B050DA95A5B Max Power Stored---------------- FCAADA56D7B7 Rival Has No Power------------------ C6A629F2A334 Rival Is Practice Dummy---------------------- 7A0A36BCA784 Defeat Rival [Press Select]--------------------------- AAC27DD8351D ECA2F958A7B4