Donkey Kong Country Returns – Wii

Donkey Kong Country Returns - Platform: Wii

Bonus levels:
All levels in a world except Boss levels have hidden K, O, N, and G
letters. Collect all four of those letters in all levels in a world to
unlock a bonus level. There are a total of eight bonus levels.

Rare Orbs:
Successfully complete the bonus level in a world to get a Rare Orb.

Golden Temple:
Successfully complete the game to unlock World 9: The Golden Temple.
Collect all eight Rare Orbs to open the door to World 9: The Golden 

Mirror mode:
Successfully complete World 9: The Golden Temple to unlock Mirror mode.
In this mode, all levels are reversed, Diddy cannot be used, and you 
get only one life and cannot use items.

Secret gallery images:
Successfully complete the game and Mirror mode with all KONG letters and
puzzle pieces collected to get a 200% game completion and unlock the
following gallery images: Mole Carts, Petroglyph, Steamy Adventure,
Temple Entrance, Temple Exterior, Tiki Extremes, Tiki Tong Storyboard,
Volcanic Ascension.

Extra lives:
Resume a saved game with a Wii-mote that has a low battery. Cranky will
warn you that your battery is low and give you three extra lives.

Extra rewards:
When you collect your prize from the barrel at the end of a level, hold
the Wii-mote vertically and make punching motions to get multiple hits,
and more rewards.

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