Contra Shattered Soldier - Platform: Playstation 1 Miscellaneous Bonuses: ---------------------- Unlock the other bonuses by doing the following: Return - Clear game with rank "A". Gallery - Clear game with rank "A". Database - Clear game with rank "B". Theater - Clear game with rank "B". Satellite - Clear game with rank "B". Unlock Levels and Options:. -------------------------- Beat the game with an A ranking to get an alternate ending and unlock Level 6 in Training Mode. Beat the game with a B ranking to get Level 5 in Training Mode, plus the and Database options. Unlockable Stages: ------------------ Unlock more stages in Story Mode by doing the following: Level 6 - Clear level 5 with rank "A". Level 7 - Clear level 6 with rank "A". Unlock more training stages by doing the following: Level 5 - Clear level 5 on normal. Level 6 - Clear level 6 on normal. Last Boss - Kill last boss on normal. Get 30 Lives: ------------- Use Controller 2 and enter UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, L1, R1, L2, R2, L3, R3 at the main menu (the title screen) and get 30 Lives instead of three. Note: This only affects your first credit. Your remaining credits will all have the default number of lives. In-game reset: -------------- Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Start + Select during game play.