Charlie's Angels - Platform: DVD Submitted by Brain Many hidden features ------------------- Access The Egg Go to Special Features. Special Feature Page #1: Highlight Get G'd Up & Press right on remote. Accesses a short video clip of all 3 girls twilrling there hair around. move controller to the left and bad guys eyes will be highlighted, and push enter, Excellent!!! Special Feature Page #2: Use the remote to go the the second special feature page, the one with Bosley on the left. The go up on selection then press left on your remote. This should put a square around a section of Bosely's suit. Hit enter and watch!. Special Feature Page #3: Highlight the arrow at the bottom and press right on the remote. Access a short video of some behind the scenes action. ---- Region 4 DVD The eggs are almost the same with the american version, except for the first egg which you have to select " The making of Charlie's Angels" before pressing right. There should be a fairly large rectangle appearing over the title "Special Features". This rectangle should appear for the other two as well. ---- Region 2 DVD Go to Extra Features Extra Features Page #1: Highlight "Welcome to Angel World" and press right on the remote. This highlights "Extra Features". Press enter. Extra Features Page #2: Highlight "Wired Angels" and press left on the remote. This highlights "Extra Features". Press enter. Extra Features Page #3: Highlight the arrow at the bottom and press right, as per the Region 1 DVD