Breath of Fire 2 – Super Nintendo

Breath of Fire 2 - Platform: Super Nintendo

Easy money
Talk to the priest that saves the game and ask to give 
a donation. If you have less than 100 coins he will 
give you 10 coins until you reach 100 coins. 
After this happens, deposit the coins, return and 
repeat as needed. Note: If you try to have the priest 
give you more than 100 coins he will take them as a 

StarBringer Sword
The StarBringer Sword (StarrSD) can be found by standing 
on a blue "chance" square in the Thieves' Tomb and 
fighting repeatedly.

Rest for free
Early in the game in the pub in the second town, you can rest for
free. Talk to the person at the table and ask him to pass the time
while it is day. You will be healed fully. You can do this until
you get Katt.

Life Armor
The Life Armor can be found in the fishing spot northwest of Gate,
directly next to the cave. This is the strongest armor in the game
for the Hero.

Life Bracelet
Immediately after you fight Barubary with Ryu alone, he gives you
a hint to find the Life Bracelet. Go directly right with Katt and
smash the rock ahead. Continue right and reach across the gap with
Sten, then open the treasure box to find the Life Bracelet.

Finding Bleu
On the same island as the Thieves Tomb go there. From the Thieves
Tomb, go east until you reach the other side of the mountain line.
You should see a little whirlwind shape in the sand. Enter here
and talk to all the spirits, even the ones in the back rooms.
After that, go to Magic school in Hometown and on the second floor
talk to the girl on the left in the left classroom. She will turn
into Bleu.

After you get the whale, go to the desert at the southeast corner
of map. Walk around until you find a faint circle. When you enter
it, you will find some ghosts saying Bleu is out. Then, go to the
town where you started your game (after you go away, the second
town where you and Bow end up). Go to the magic building and talk
to all the students. One will say she is Bleu and join you. Bleu
starts at level 35 and is very powerful with magic.

Fun with Bleu
After you get Bleu as a party member, go to township and make sure
she is not in your active party. Go to her room, which on the last
floor and final room. She is sleeping. When you talk to her, she
mumbles about Ryu and goes back to sleep.

Monster Island
Once you have the whale or the great bird and are at least level
35, go to the top of the hunk of land where granny's house used to
be. Go directly east. You should see an island at the top of the
screen. Go there to reach Monster Island. There are four monsters
on this island, as well as a house with Bo and Karn from Breath Of
Fire. Use the following information to defeat the monsters that
can be found here.

Gonghead: This is a giant version of the creature. Do not waste AP
on it; just keep attacking. It casts Cure 4 each turn after the
first, but runs out of AP quickly. It will only attack you twice
at the most.
M. Sludge: Cast Death with either Bleu or Nina. It will kill it
Fly: This creature resembles an over-sized fly. If you have Chop
Chop, use it. Otherwise, use a Dragon ability. Magic does not
affect it.

Experience for final battle
Just before the final Boss, where the Dragon Statue and Cleansing
Water are located, fight any monster and use Gold Dragon. After
that, use the Cleansing Water to restore your AP and HP and repeat
until reaching the desired level. This can also be use near any
Cleansing Water pools that are occupied by monsters.

Beak 50 10  5 5 22 40 15
Barubary 5000 65535  4000 5000 380  140 90
Pest 10 0  7 10 27 10 30
Roach 100 0  32 15 30 18 12
Baba 169 0  150 100 39  20 20
Hood 82 0  45 50 45 24 35
P-Spider 200 10  30 30 42 20 30
Joker 580 0  300 200 43  38 24
Katt 220 0  200 80 42  26 511
Augus 680 16  150 300 43  18 12
Shupukay 980 511  2350 1250 160  75 80
Nimufu 550 128  400 400 62  40 45
Jailer 460 50  288 200 78  45 44
Chiroru 60 0  40 40 58 38 55
Creon 280 0  60 50 58 34 33
Terapin 1300 100  300 500 66  33 32
Bouncer 250 0  50 40 72 40 39
Wildcat 610 300  700 400 60  42 64
Witch 250 128  50 0 62 30 35
G-Roach 1990 0  500 0 80 12 49
GoldFly (second) 65535 0 0 0 75  40 511
J-Worm 1103 10  440 200 75  48 52
B-Roach 165 20  60 33 78 44 62
GoldFly 580 0  520 400 82  65 90
Kuwadora 1650 500  1600 800 81  48 53
Footman 100 0  100 100 30  10 16
Ray 65535 100  0 0 120 200 76
Necroman 2400 96  3800 2000 260  132 100
Trout 550 100  1600 1000 35  10 30
Stone 9 0  200 0 20 255 1
Bush 500 255  200 0 1 10 255
Stump 1000 100  300 0 30 1 100
Paladin 496 300  1000 800 252  70 77
Tiga 65535 0  1 1 310 120 200
Aruhamel 1600 100  3200 1000 160  75 100
Guardian 468 128  2400 7000 175  60 70
Munmar 800 10  1150 2000 105  50 73
Algernon 1549 500  1980 1200 115  51 51
Danielle 100 65535  0 0 100 5 200
Suiky 100 65535  0 0 100 5 200
Villagrs 5 0  200 200 20  5 100
Footman 954 164  1500 600 220  135 92
Zombie 682 64  1000 500 220  93 92
Portal 1530 500  2400 1250 160  65 70
Warrior 446 128  700 1000 216  90 86
Palo 80 100  50 9 28 20 511
Soldier 1250 100  2000 1200 235  130 70
Uparupa 520 0  1200 800 140  65 68
Harpy 140 0  64 80 48 0 0
Baba 96 0  20 20 88 82 28
Stump 180 0  20 20 0 20 0
Hood 44 0  0 5656 60  34 22
M-Mummy 70 70  12000 5656 37  45 0
Widow 54 1000  12000 5656 60  27 22
Ifeleet 160 200  12000 5656 180  0 110
Torubo 110 1000  1750 1000 85  65 72
Oldman 312 65535  200 9 0 160 120
Guardeye 538 64  1600 1000 208  169 170
Babaruku 2500 256  3800 5000 300  130 100
Deathevn 10000 1000  0 0 400 140 138
Chairman 1000 0  200 9 20 1 200
Archer 300 0  300 100 250  130 130
Puti 40 0  50 9 28 20 509
Beak 20 0  4 4 22 20 10
Guardeye 538 504  1600 1000 208  169 102
S-Golem 1600 500  1624 415 282  122 1
KARI 1000 0  200 9 20 1 200

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