Bionic Commando Rearmed - Platform: Playstation 3 Arron Sedillo challenge room: ----------------------------- At the "Press Start" screen, press Right, Down, Left, Up, L1, R1, Triangle(2), X(2), Start to unlock the fan made challenge room at the "Challenge Room" menu. EuroGamer challenge room: ------------------------- At the "Press Start" screen, press Down, Up, Down, Up, Left, L1, Square, L1, Square, Triangle, Start to unlock the EuroGamer challenge room at the "Challenge Room" menu. GamesRadar challenge room: -------------------------- At the "Press Start" screen, press R1, Triangle, Square(2), Up, Down, L1(2), Up, Down, Start to unlock the GamesRadar challenge room at the "Challenge Room" menu. IGN challenge room: ------------------- At the "Press Start" screen, press Up, Down, Triangle, Square(2), Triangle, Down, Up, L1(2), Start to unlock the IGN challenge room at the "Challenge Room" menu. Major Nelson challenge room: ---------------------------- At the "Press Start" screen, press L1, Square(3), Right, Down, L1, Left, Triangle, Down, Start to unlock the Major Nelson challenge room at the "Challenge Room" menu. Super Hard mode: ---------------- Successfully complete the game to unlock the Super Hard difficulty.