Ben 10 - Proctector Of Earth - Platform: Playstation 2 Cheats: ------- Update by: Shubhankar Update by: Olek Submitted by: Nitin Dilip Update by Justin Tyok Here's how to enter these codes.At the map screen press Start to bring up the option menu, then select enter secret code and enter the following: Dark Heroes = Cannonbolt,Cannonbolt,Fourarms,Heatblast. DNA Force = XLR8,Heatblast, Wildwine,Fourarms Invincibility = XLR8, Heatblast,Wildvine, Fourarms master Control = Cannonbolt,Heatblast,Wildvine,Fourarms Unlock Alien Forms = Wildwine,Fourarms,Heatblast,Wildvine. Unlock all combo's = Cannonbolt, heatblast, Fourarms, heatblast Unlock all locations on map = Heatblast, XLR8, XLR8, cannonbolt Unlock Master Control: ---------------------- Submitted by: Richard To unlock master control at the begining of the game go to enter ben 10 cheat's.Then the 1st 1 that u see all highlited clik on it then it will show u cheat's.And mabey it will show how to getnew aliens.And don't forget the new ben 10 game:Ben 10 alien force the game! Alien form change: ------------------ Submitted by: Ida Bagus Bhaskara Defeat ghostfreak to change from an alien to another alien instantly! Cheat: ------ Submitted by: solehuddin get 10 aliens go at extra menu and type bigfatman Unlock all locations on map: Heatblast, xlr8, xlr8, Cannonbolt: --------------------------------------------------------------- Submitted by: Sami Go on the map and click start then go on the extras menu and click on enter secret code.