Batman Returns - Platform: Super Nintendo Extra lives ----------- Highlight the "Rest" selection on the options screen, then press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, B, A on controller two. A tone will confirm correct code entry. Up to ten lives may now be selected on the options screen. Nine continues -------------- Highlight the "Rest" selection on the options screen, then press Up, X, Left, Y, Down, B, Right, A, Up, X on controller two. A tone will confirm correct code entry. Invincibility ------------- Press Up(8) at the title screen. Level select ------------ Enter Y*31 21 3191 11 as a password. Press Left or Right on controller two when the name of the first level, "Stage 1-1, Gotham City Plaza", is displayed to select a new starting level. This may be done at any time during the game.