World War 2 - Iwo Jima Cheat Codes: ------------ Press ~ during game play to display the console window, then enter one of the following codes to activate the cheat function. Result Code -------------------------------------- Spawn indicated item and number - give [item name] [1-200] All weapons - gimme No clipping mode - noclip God mode - god Flight mode - fly Disable flight and no clipping - walk All weapons - allweapons No clipping mode - ghost Full ammunition - allammo Toggle invisibility - invisible [0 or 1] Kill everything - killall Get everything - loaded Toggle enemies cannot see - blindenemies [0 or 1] Toggle AI cannot hear - deafai [0 or 1] Toggle AI cannot see - blindai [0 or 1] Toggle enemies cannot hear - deafenemies [0 or 1] Lanshire, Submitted the following Information: Email: Cheatcode: ---------- To enable the cheat codes start a new game and press the `(tilde) key type in "Developer 1" without the quotes and press enter, then press the ` (tilde key) again. Exit your game and go into the Setup menu and configure the Keyboard you will need to scroll down to the cheat codes and assign keys the cheat commands. Code Result ---------------------------------------- give (weapon) - Give Weapon (See List) give (weapon)ammo (ammo amount) - Give Ammo for Weapons (See List) NOTE: Certian weapons aren't evalible in all levels. To get them just type their name and drop the word ammo. For the amount of ammo type 1. Also, most weapons can only hold a max of 200 ammo. Those weapons are: ------------------- Colt45 Bazooka Machinegun (Example: give bazooka 1) Weapons List: ------------- Machete Colt45 Rifle Bazooka Machinegun Flamethrower ("gasoline" also works) Landmine Item names: ----------- Use one of the following entries with the give code. Note: The weapons are limited to 1 as the number value. Ammunition are limited to 200 as the number value for most weapons. machete colt45 machinegun rifle bazooka greasegun colt45ammo machinegunammo rifleammo greasegunammo bazookaammo backpack grenade landmine flamethrower gasoline Easy code activation: --------------------- After entering the cheat code and the item name, you can press [Cursor Up] to retrace the item name and get the ammo all over again, instead of typing everything. You must press [Cursor Up] repeatedly so that it can search for it. Level 1: Shortcut: ------------------ On the first level in Iwo Jima when you have to clear the beach, find the location where there is a sandbag bunker to the left side of the beach (not the concrete one). if you walk into it, where the right side forms a corner, you will walk right over it and save some frustration.