Warhammer 40000 - Dawn Of War 2 - Retribution Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Steam achievements: ------------------- Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My profile", then "View all my games", then the game and view stats. A proper Waaagh! : 20 online ranked games completed with Orks. Acceptable losses : Complete the Imperial Guard campaign on any difficulty. All in a day"s work : Kill 500 enemies. Allies to the Cause : Complete a mission in co-op mode. Along for the ride : Complete 6 missions as a GUEST in Co-Op. Angel of Death : 20 online ranked games played with space marines. Battle Brothers : Complete the Campaign in Co-op. Blood God : Win a Ranked game using only Khorne-themed units. Bringer of Change : Win a Ranked game using only Tzeentch-themed units. Conqueror : Score 1,500,000 in the last stand. Domination : Hold 5+ victory points at once in an online Free for All. Dominator : Score 2,500,000 in the last stand. Exarch : 20 online ranked games completed with Eldar. Exploiter : Score 10,000,000 in the last stand. Exterminatus : Escape the Imperial Fleet. For the Dark Gods : 20 online ranked games completed with Chaos. For the Fallen : Complete the Eldar campaign on any difficulty. Gladiator : Play 10 ranked multiplayer games. Great Devourer : 20 online ranked games completed with Tyranid. Hail the Champion : Earn Champion rating 20 times during online ranked play. Hardcore : Beat wave 20 in The Last Stand Anvil of Khorne Map. Let the sector burn : Complete the Chaos campaign on any difficulty. Manipulator : Score 500,000 in the last stand. Nice Hat : Complete the Ork campaign on any difficulty. Overlord : Reach level 20 in The Last Stand Plague Father : Win a Ranked game using only Nurgle-themed units. Sector Savior : Complete the Space Marine campaign on any difficulty. Sector Savorer : Complete the Tyranid campaign on any difficulty. Sweeping Advance : Kill an enemy who is retreating. Veteran Victor : 100 ranked wins.