The Sims 2 - Mansion and Garden Stuff Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: Torrey When your person is pergnat type in(forcetwins) and your person will have twins instead of one baby. Get Heaps Of Money: ------------------- Submitted by: Ebony Press [Ctrl]+[Shift]+C at the same time than tipe in motherlode over and over and you get heaps of money and if you get sick of typing just hold down shift and press "v" and then enter and you will have millions. Do anything: ------------ Submitted by: shayshay Email: shaylovesthebeach@hotmail.com okay this works and its cool get cheat box up(ctrl,shift,c)and the type in boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true and press Enter be aware for Capital letters and spaces shift click on your mailbox and you can make them know EVERYONE and alot more if you shift click on your sim you ca kill them make them witches or make it there birthday and get them a A in school and set there aspiration level to gold and if you ahift click on your sims paper you can set there job level to as high as you want and also any job thaat is posible on sims you can have.