Rocks'n'Diamonds Jue Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: RoBeRtO R'n'D jue is an alternative version of Rocks'n'Diamonds. 9999 levels in your levelset: ----------------------------- You can have 9999 levels in your levelset. Follow the steps: 1. Open your documents 2. Open R'n'd jue folder (it are two) 3. In one of them you find the folder named with "levels", open it 4. Open the folder with your levelset (in folder "levels" is only your levelset) 5. Click on levelinfo.conf and open it manually with notebook 6. It is not many write, only look for "100first_level" and change the 100 to so many levels how you want (max 9999!) 7. Save it and close the notebook That's all! Now you can create more than 100 levels (when you have change the number higher than 100)!