

Cheat Codes:
Update by: Alin
Submitted by: Grim Reaper

Cheat mode:
To enable the cheats, hold down the G,0,D keys while in the game
all at once. This should bring up a text area were you can input
the cheats.

Code         Result
IMMORTAL    - God mode on
MORTAL      - God mode off
RETICLE     - Smart Reticle; turns red when over a target
CAMERA      - Third person view when on-foot
ALLAMMO     - All on-foot weapons have max ammo
TARGETS     - Targeting for on-foot weapons
DMDAMAGE    - Double damage when on-foot
RADAR       - On-foot radar
CW          - All car weapons
CA          - Max car ammo
STONEAGE    - Running person in place of car
CAROFF      - No car geometry
CARFLIP     - Flip car geometry
CARREVERSE  - Reverse car geometry
WHEELSOFF   - Toggle car wheels
TEAMBEYOND  - Beyond Games Credit World
alllevels   - Level select

* To escape quickly and get the most out of your ammo, drive backward
  and fire at pursuing enemies. 

* To make it easier on your fingers, create a custom control scheme for
  both on-foot and behind-the-wheel action. 

Multiplayer tip: 
Drop mines near power-ups and blow up greedy opponents.

EMP missile:
If you get a EMP missile, save it. You can use it to steal cars.

Exploding driver:
Enable the "stoneage" and "wheelsoff" codes. After destroying the "cars", 
it appears as if a person exploded into a shell of that car. Then, another
person pops out of that.

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