NBA 2K11

NBA 2K11

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Cheat mode:
Select "Features" at the main menu, then "Extras" and then "Codes". Select the 
"Enter Code" option, then enter one of the following passwords.

Password         Effect
2ksports       - Unlock the 2k Sports Team.
2kchina        - Unlock the 2k China Team.
Payrespect     - Unlock the ABA Ball.
nba2k          - Unlock the NBA2k Development Team.
vcteam         - Unlock the VC Squad.
payrespect     - ABA ball.
classicthreads - Unlock alternate jerseys.
ycprtii        - Unlock the Blazers "Rip City" jersey.
eydonscar      - Unlock the Grizzlies, Hawks, Mavericks, and Rockets.
wasshcicsl     - Unlock the Hardwood Classics uniforms for the Cavaliers, 
                 Warriors, Timberwolves, Magic, Blazers, Raptors, and Jazz.
otnresla       - 2010 All-Star uniforms.
agsntrccai     - Bobcats NASCAR Racing uniform.
aifnaatccv     - Cavaliers Cavfanatic uniform.
wasshcicsl     - Hardwood Classics Nights uniforms 
                 (unlock the Blazers, Cavaliers, Jazz, Magic, Raptors,
                 Timberwolves, and Warriors Hardwood Classics
                 Nights uniforms.).
asrdirmga      - Hornets Mardi Gras uniform.
aihinntslgt    - Latin Nights uniforms.
nreogge        - NBA Green uniforms.
riiasgerh      - St. Patrick's Day uniforms.
icanbe23       - MJ: Creating A Legend.
ronoilnm       - Magic, Wolves and Hornets secondary road uniforms.
wydololoh      - 2011 All-Star Uniforms
spritedunk1    - Orange Split  dunk (*)
spritedunk2    - Spin Tommy dunk (*)
spritedunk3    - The Villain dunk  (*)

(*) After enabling this code, enter the Sprite Slam Dunk Showdown and 
check the "Dunk Help" menu to learn how to perform the dunk.

Easy skill points:
You will get ten new drills at the begging of a season. Before starting a new
drill, subtract one point from you three point stat, which should result in 
about 1,000 skill points to spend on something else. Complete a shooting drill
by attempting only three pointers to get your three point attribute to the 
maximum again. Note: You can do this anytime you get a drill.

Jordan challenges:
* Lower the stats of all the teams you are going to play against while increasing 
  your own stats. 

* For "The Arrival", do not play defense. Instead, maximize your offense time. 
  Because you do not have to win, switch to a man-to-man defense and control the
  player guarding the ball handler. Move away from the player to get him to shoot
  as soon as possible. 

* To get more time to score points, foul players while on defense to get the ball 

* For "The Shootout", complete the required amount of assists, then minimize the 
  Hawks' offense time by holding on to the ball as long as possible. 

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