Moon Tycoon

Moon Tycoon

Submitted by: RM

Mining and Factory Production:
Both can quickly provide large amounts of money for the colony, 
but will greatly lower Morale and Attraction. Warehouses are 
required to store produced goods, and a Radio Tower is needed 
to receive current market prices. Research - Different buildings
will provide Research Points for the colony. You can distribute 
these points towards advancements in either Electronic or Medical
Factory production, increasing their potential selling price.

The key to building a successful Tourism colony is knowing the 
effect that each building has on the colony's Attraction and Tourist
count. Some Tourism structures will also increase colony Morale, 
which benefits Space Agency support!

Monthly Expenses:
You can view and adjust the amount of funds given to colony programs 
in the Expenses Menu. Increasing certain expenses will benefit 
Research, Morale, or Attraction.

Morale and Attraction:
The Status Menu shows the current Morale and Attraction level, and 
which buildings are causing the effects.

Morale is the happiness of your colonists. The better the Morale, the
higher the Agency Support you will receive. The positive or negative 
outcome of Special Requests is directly affected by colony Morale.

Attraction shows how desirable your colony is to visit. The higher 
the Attraction, the more money each Tourist will spend at your colony.

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