

Codes for Patched Games 
Enter these codes while playing.

Code              Effect
ineedabiggun    - Super Chain Gun powerup once per level 
holokurtisfun   - Dummy powerup once per level 
nastyshotthanks - Homing sniper grenade once per level 
tornadoaway     - Twister powerup once per level 
486ok           - Allow 486 machines to run the game 

Codes for Unpatched Games 
Enter these codes while playing.

makemefull     - Health once per level 
masterblaster  - Gatt powerup once per level 
twistandshout  - Twister powerup once per level 
biggrenade     - Homing sniper grenade once per level 
486willbeslow  - Allows 486 machines to run the game 
                 (alebeit slowly) 

European Codes
Enter these codes while playing. 

Code            Effect
healme        - Health once per level
ineedabiggun  - Gatt powerup once per level
tornadoaway   - Twister powerup once per level
holokurtisfun - Dummy powerup once per level
486okbyme     - Allow 486 machines to run

Restore Life:
In any moment of the game, press [F1] to access the Help
screen and enter this code: MAKEMEFULL

In any moment of the game, press [F1] to access the Help 
screen and enter this code: KILL

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