Journeyman Project Turbo

Journeyman Project Turbo

Cheat Codes:
Here are some access codes to get you past those tricky places.

Code         Location
J689489W5   - The door to get to work.
J0524133    - Left Command Center Screen.
J0291384    - Right Command Center Screen.

How to diffuse the time bomb
In the Mars Colony, shield generator area when you're on the lift, 
click to retun to last position and to get to the bomb. Use the 
maintanence key to open the hatch. Some warnings will go off and 
say that there are explosives in the hatch. You will need to order
the wire nodes to stop the bomb. the order of the color nodes is: 

Level 1: Green, Red, Yellow 
Level 2: Blue, Yellow, Red 
Level 3: Yellow, Blue, Green 
You can't waste much time. 

Your time left is on the top right of the lift panel.

Monitor access code:
Enter "0524133" as a code.

Reconfiguration code:
Enter "0291384" as a code.

TSA entry code:
Enter "6894895" as a code.

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